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Onwards, with Determination

Girish Redekar & Raghuveer Kancherla — Aplopio Technology

Finding the right co-founder is a tough task; there is no set method to it. Sometimes, when two different but complementary personalities come together to work on a common goal, superlative results follow. A case in point being Girish Redekar and Raghuveer Kancherla, co-founders of Aplopio Technologies and creators of the highly-successful software suite — Recruiterbox.

Although there are conspicuous differences in their personalities, Girish and Raghuveer share a common passion for making HR processes more effective. While Raghuveer is a second generation entrepreneur who had been scouting to find a partner for his entrepreneurial pursuits, Girish is ‘an accidental entrepreneur’ who was rather content pursuing ‘conventional’ career options. Raghuveer’s meeting with Girish, his senior from IIT Madras, was timely and fortunate as both had faced a variety of problems while recruiting. Having observed the problem from close quarters, they knew that the market was ready for a recruitment software. Aplopio Technologies was founded in 2008.

“Always talk to your customers. The more you listen to them, the more you improve.”

Soon after starting up, they realised that they lacked the hands-on experience and business acumen required to run a company. Though participating in an accelerator helped them iron out some fundamental flaws, they still ran into multiple roadblocks in their quest to develop a MVP. By the end of the first year, they had invested all of their life savings in developing their product and yet the finished product was nowhere in sight. Somehow they powered through and were ready with an MVP. Even then, the duo continued to struggle with various operational issues.

Being nimble, learning quickly, and adapting to new situations have enabled Girish and Raghu- veer surpass the plethora of challenges which have come their way. Recognising the potential of the global market, they quickly adapted to the diverse needs of global customers. The tough times helped them realise their shortcomings in marketing and recruitment which were subsequently addressed with the addition of a third co-founder, Raj Sheth.


hese challenges have helped both Girish and Raghu grow immensely. The duo ardently believes that each entrepreneur needs to seek his/her own unique path and that neither the paths traversed nor the hindrances faced by any two entrepreneurs are the same. The novices have now transformed into astute business leaders, more confident of tackling whatever challenge is thrown their way. ‘Bring it on’ they say!

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