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Partner with us

Frequent collaboration formats​​

Distribute our work as co-owners

Partner with us to publish our reports, tools and books as a co-owners

Disseminate our work in your network

Distribute our reports, tools, books, cases and papers within your networks and communities

Co-create content with us

Author research - reports, cases, papers and tools with us

Commission research in common focus areas

Research studies and tools for the startup ecosystem

Train your entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs

Get your employees become more entrepreneurial and founders and their teams more effective, through our training

Quote or cite our research

Be it in a startup’s pitch deck or a policy shaping document or other platforms and publications

Have us write for you

We have a team of researchers dabbling into areas who can write Op-Eds, PoVs, articles in publications

Invite us as speakers

Invite us as

speaker/ panelists

on learning/ sectoral /academic research in the fields of entrepreneurship and allied areas

Reach out to explore partnerships

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