Startups’ Talent Planning Toolkit

Relevant for startups at least at Series A stage


About this toolkit

Hiring and performance management is one of the most pressing pain points for startups in their growth journey. Through this interactive four module toolkit, we attempt to address the gap for startups in terms of a structured planning exercise for hiring or up-skilling or contracting to a third party service provider.

  • This tool ensures that hiring decisions are closely related to the startups, strategic goals related to growth. We do this by introducing a framework of defining goals through quantified metrics.

  • Further, the tool assists in sharply articulating the type or seniority of talent required. We do this by introducing the thinker designer or doer persona framework for each task.

  • Developing an exhaustive framework of key performance indicators for resources is a major pain point for engaging and keeping talent in startups.

  • This tool will help founders articulate key performance indicators by listing technical behavioural core and leadership competencies for each persona.

  • The final part of the toolkit helps the user estimate the cash required for hiring or up-skilling or contracting resources.


Using this toolkit

What you need to have to start using this This interactive toolkit has been developed on the interactive platform Miro. To use it, you may need to create a free Miro ID if you do not already have on. This Miro ID may need to be associated with a Google ID as we will be using embedded google sheets in module 4.


The Miro board is view only. To use it, you may need to copy the board on your respective Miro IDs.


About elements of this toolkit On the board, if you zoom out enough, you will be able to see two frames. The frame on the left is largely populated for all 4 modules. The frame on the right has exactly the same templates, with blank modules. You can use the frame on the right to conduct this exercise for your startup.


The frame on the left was populated to serve as thought cues for chronologically progressing strategic exercise. Please refer to the frame on the left to take cues on how to think and frame your goals (Module 1), how to derive tasks from the goals and assign talent persona types (Module 2.1), and whether to hire, up-skill or contract a certain number of resources for each task (Module 2.2).


There are detailed guidelines on how to populate each of the four modules. You will find guideline on filling each module under each of the 4 modules – both in the populated and the blank frames.


Please refer to them for instructions on how to fill out a module.


As a founder or a startup leader, you can use this as a DIY toolkit. If you need additional guidance or facilitation, reach out to us at


